Thursday, October 29, 2009

Vicious Circle of Life!!

I am pretty sure there are lots of persons who would disagree just on seeing the title but from my personal experience many a times i feel that life surely is a vicious circle. Why so a friend asked me recently.. my reply was its for you to discover that .. Looking back at my own past. As a child when I was so carefree I wanted to be a grown up adult so as to get the freedom which as a child would always wish for. Now as a adult we just want to shed our responsibilities and would give anything to go back in time just to be as carefree as a child. There are so much other instances that can be easily quoted at least from my life. When I was doing my undergrad I just wanted to go out and start working to earn money , and when I did start working i soon got tired of the monotonicity of life. I am right now doing my grad studies and here I am just wishing to get back to work to earn the green stuff. So Contradictory but then so Real.

I am pretty confident that a person who had understood whats the true meaning of life would surely appreciate living every point of it . Guess I really need to start working on that aspect. i have read somewhere that our life is actually a circle.. think about it.. We are born to this world as a baby, helpless and who needs full attention for survival, we grow stronger each day till we come to our prime, then comes slowly the reversal process of growing old. We soon become old and there comes a time where we need help for every single thing and we depart . The curious case of Benjamin Buttons has almost depicted it to perfection.

Hoping to see the world in a better light and enjoy what it gives ....